One Year Australia - Reisverslag uit Sydney, Australië van Vera Somers - One Year Australia - Reisverslag uit Sydney, Australië van Vera Somers -

One Year Australia

Blijf op de hoogte en volg Vera

30 December 2018 | Australië, Sydney

One year Australia, it all happened so fast
PhD life, parties, road trips, I for sure had a blast
Met incredible people, couldn’t have wished for better
Made friends for life who made this adventure matter

The beginning of PhD life started out with a lot of fun
More pub time and beer drinking than research was done
Inspiration we called it and actually work we did discuss
These days still on a Friday, it’s the Rose you can find us

But I also dove into my topic, learned about fires and control
Tutored undergrads and got closer to my research goal
Passed my APR, so no longer on probation
And after that it was quickly time for a vacation

Off to the Mountains, skiing in Thredbo, o yes
Bonfires, shooting with bow and arrow, it was a fun mess
Once all well rested, the first paper deadline arrived
Gone was the fun, 24/7 work and a bit sleep deprived

But besides research there is always time for exploration
You can’t deliver good output without sometimes a little vacation
Weekend road trips with friends to places close and far away
To Hunter Valley, Palm Beach, Blue Mountains and Nelson Bay

I saw amazing beaches, went hiking and had a lot of fun
Yes it’s an interesting country, this place under the sun
The seasons are reversed and the coffee the best you ever had
Sports are a big thing; Rugby or footy, cricket not to forget

However, I will always return to the country where my roots lie
And have good memories about the two times I stopped by
So much history, family and old friends I value so dearly
No worries, I will always come back, for now at least yearly

But back to Australia, the place I fell in love
Learned how to surf and for a road trip we drove off
All the way up to Noosa in our little campervan
A beautiful place, but with a total fire ban

We saw beaches, rainforest and waterfalls at a hidden lake
A shooting star, kangaroos, dolphins and a red belly snake
Went surfing and camped in the beautiful National Parks
Explored unknown territories and discovered new landmarks

Once back in Sydney, my parents had arrived in the city
We went to La Perouse with a coastal walk, o so pretty
And that brings us to Christmas, with a Secret Santa for each
Surrounded by friends, we celebrated with dinners and beach

One year Australia, it all happened so fast
One year Australia, but enough of the past
The second year is here, so let the fireworks thunder
Wishing everyone a happy New Year from Down Under!

  • 30 December 2019 - 22:05

    Jacqueline Coolen:

    Hallo Vera,
    Vandaag precies een jaar geleden ontvangen dit grandioze verslag!
    Met veel plezier zojuist herlezen. Did I miss more "flessenpost"?
    Succes en geluk bij elk avontuur, heel zeker in 2020!

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09 November 2017 - 09 November 2020

PhD in Sydney

08 Juli 2012 - 16 Januari 2013

Minor in Melbourne

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